Курсы, обучение, Москва
Московский Учебный Центр «Зенит»
542-32-68, 542-35-11, 747-77-12, 795-21-48
будни с 10-00 до 19-00, суббота и воскресенье с 11:00 до 16:00.

Курсы английского языка 'Начальный средний уровень - Headway Pre-Intermediate'

Общая характеристика методики Headway:

Предлагаемые курсы обучения английского языка по методике Headway рассчитаны на один год и разбиваются на 6 уровней: Эти уровни соответствуют программе Headway - начиная от HeadStart (начальный уровень) и заканчивая Headway Advanced (свободное владение английским языком в любых ситуациях). Занятия на курсах английского языка проводятся по учебникам HEADWAY, с использованием аудиоматериалов и новейших методик развития разговорной речи. Обучение начинается с любого этапа, в зависимости от уровня подготовки (определяется тестированием).

Аннотация курсов английского языка 'Начальный средний уровень - Headway Pre-Intermediate'

Продолжительность этого уровня - 120 академических часов (12 недель).
Курс "Pre-Intermediate" рассчитан на слушателей, имеющих некоторый опыт практики английского языка в объеме уровня "Headway Elementary". Курс включает разговорную практику по тематике повседневной жизни с объемом новой лексики 25-30 слов за урок в классе, интенсивное аудирование в классе и дома, и письменные упражнения в рамках домашних заданий.
Основной учебник курса - Headway Pre-Intermediate (Oxford University Press). По окончании этого уровня студенты могут пройти подготовку к сдаче международного Кембриджского экзамена PET (Preliminary English Test).
Получаемые навыки после окончания курсов английского языка 'Начальный средний уровень - Headway Pre-Intermediate':
Уровень дает хорошее понимание английской речи, умение читать адаптированную литературу на английском языке, хорошее знание грамматики; возможен культурный обмен, достаточно языковых навыков для знакомств, иммиграций, поступления в языковой ВУЗ.

Информация о курсах английского языка 'Начальный средний уровень - Headway Pre-Intermediate'

График занятий:
2-3 дня в неделю по 3-4 академических часа в день
Время занятий:
утренние группы с 9-00 до 12-00; дневные группы с 12-00 до 15-00 и с 15-00 до 18-00; вечерние группы с 18-00 до 21-00; группы выходного дня с 10-00 до 13-00.
Место проведения занятий:
м. Сухаревская, м. Парк Культуры, м. Таганская, м.Комсомольская, м. Проспект Мира.

Стоимость курсов английского языка 'Начальный средний уровень - Headway Pre-Intermediate'

Базовая: 15120 руб.
Скидка 2%: 14820 руб.
Скидка 7%: 14060 руб.
Скидка 15%: 12850 руб.
Индивидуально: 57000 руб.

Начало занятий ближайшей группы на курсах английского языка 'Начальный средний уровень - Headway Pre-Intermediate'

группа выходного дня: 05.11.2005
Дата может корректироваться.

Учебная программа курсов английского языка 'Начальный средний уровень - Headway Pre-Intermediate'

Курс "Pre-Intermediate" рассчитан на слушателей, имеющих некоторый опыт практики английского языка в объеме уровня "Headway Elementary".
Курс включает разговорную практику по тематике повседневной жизни с объемом новой лексики 25-30 слов за урок в классе, интенсивное аудирование в классе и дома, и письменные упражнения в рамках домашних заданий.

Unit 1 
Grammar: Question forms (1): - What do you do? - Are you married? Present Continuous: - I'm enjoying the course.
Vocabulary: Animals. Using a bilingual dictionary. Words with more than one meaning. - a book to read; to book a room in a hotel
Everyday English: Social English. - Have a good weekend! - Same to you!
Reading: Topic. 'Hello, people of the world!' - People, the great communicators
Speaking: Discussion - People and animals. Discussion - Living in capital cities, and relationships between parents and children
Listening: Topic. Leaving home - A father and his daughter talk (jigsaw)
Writing: The writing input is in the Workbook. The page numbers in this column refer to the Workbook (WB). Writing letters (1). Informal letters WB
Unit 2 
Grammar: Present Simple: - He comes from Majorca. Have/have got: - Do you have.? - Have you got.?
Vocabulary: Vocabulary networks: - electrical goods. - a room in your house.
Everyday English: Numbers and prices.
Reading: Topic. How others see the British (jigsaw)
Speaking: Discussion - Tourists in your country. Discussion - Strict schools.
Listening: Topic. Life in a Japanese school.
Writing: Linking words (1)WB. Describing a person.
Unit 3 
Fact and fiction
Grammar: Past Simple: - What did you do last night? Past Continuous: - The sun was shining.
Vocabulary: Irregular verbs. Verbs and nouns that go together. - tell a joke. Words and prepositions that go together. - listen to music
Everyday English: Time expressions: - dates; - at six o'clock; - on Saturday
Reading: Topic. An extract from a James Bond story. The Man with the Golden Gun
Speaking: Retelling a story from pictures.
Listening: Topic. An interview with the biographer of Ian Fleming.
Writing: Writing a story (1) WB.
Test 1 
Unit 4 
Going shopping
Grammar: Expressions of quantity: - some and any; - much and many; - a lot of; - a few and a little. Articles: - a, the, and the zero article
Vocabulary: Clothes, food. and professions. Food and cooking.
Everyday English: Polite requests and offers. - Can/could I.? - Can/could you…? - I'll.
Reading: Topic. A magazine article about the famous store, Marks & Spencer
Speaking: Talking about a favourite store. Group work - Devising an advertisement.
Listening: Topic. Five radio advertisements.
Writing: Filling in forms WB.
Unit 5 
Plans and ambitions
Grammar: Verb patterns (I): - want/hope/would like to do; - like/enjoy/love doing Going to: - I'm going to be a doctor. Will: - I'll give you a lift.
Vocabulary: Approaches to vocabulary learning. Word families: - 'photograph; - photo'graphic
Everyday English: Spelling
Reading: Topic. A questionnaire - How ambitious are you?
'The right person for you' - An article from the Today newspaper about computer dating (jigsaw) Speaking: A class survey - How ambitious are you? Discussion - Arranged marriages.
Listening: Topic. How different learners of English organize their vocabulary learning.
Writing: Writing postcards WB.
Unit 6 
Grammar: What. like? - What's Rome like? Comparative and superlative adjectives: - big, bigger, biggest
Vocabulary: Synonyms: - lovely, beautiful Antonyms: - poor, wealthy; - tidy untidy
Everyday English: Directions: - prepositions of place (opposite, behind); - prepositions of movement (along, over)
Reading: Topic. 'The richest man in the world' - A newspaper article about the Sultan of Brunei
Speaking: Describing people and places. Discussion - Who are the rich people in your country?
Listening: Topic. Kate Leigh talks about living in Madrid.
Writing: Relative clauses (1) WB. Describing a place.
Test 2 
Unit 7 
Grammar: Present Perfect Simple (1): - to express experience. Have you ever been lo Russia? - to express unfinished past. I'v lived here for ten years.
Vocabulary: Irregular verbs. Homophones: - here, hear. Adverbs: - slowly, too
Everyday English: Short answers: - Yes, 1 do. - No. 1 can't.
Reading: Topic. 'Paul Newman - actor, director, racing driver' - A magazine article
Speaking: Roleplay - Interviewing a group of musicians.
Listening: Topic. An interview with Paul Carrack, a pop musician.
Writing: Relative clauses (2) WB.Writing a biography
Unit 8 
Pros and cons
Grammar: Have to: - 1 have to work hard. Should: - He should see a doctor
Vocabulary: Professions. Nouns that go together: - post office, headache. Make or do? - make a phone call; - do the shopping
Everyday English: Invitations. Refusing and accepting invitations.
Reading: Topic. Two special teenagers - David, a computer programmer, and Kimora, a top model
Speaking: Discussion - Teenagers and their parents. Discussion - Giving advice about visiting your country.
Listening: Topic. Three people giving advice about visiting their country.
Writing: Writing letters (2) WB. Formal letters.
Unit 9 
Life in the 21st century
Grammar: Will: - It will cost a lot of money. First Conditional: - If I do more work, I'll puss ту exams. Time clauses: - when as soon as
Vocabulary: Rail travel. Air travel.
Everyday English: Travelling: - at the checking desk; - at a railway ticket office.
Reading: Topic. 'The road to ruin?' - An article about the problem of transport
Speaking: Discussion - How 'green' are you? Roleplay - How to solve the traffic problems in your town. A survey on people's travel habits
Listening: Topic. John Baines talks about how he tries to be 'green'
Writing: Linking words (2) WB. Advantages and disadvantages
Test 3 
Unit 10 
The way we were
Grammar: Used to: - 1 used to smoke, but 1 don't any more. Question forms (2): - Who told you that? Questions with a verb + preposition: - What are you looking at?
Vocabulary: Male and female words: - actor, actress; - bikini, swimming trunks
Everyday English: Question tags: - It's a lovely day, isn't it
Reading: Topic. 'Dying for the vote' - An article about the suffragette movement in England
Speaking: Discussion - The role of men and women in your country.
Listening: Topic. The taxi-driver and the Duchess - two people talk about when they were young (jigsaw)
Writing: Making notes to write a composition WB.
Unit 11 
Read all about it!
Grammar: Passive: - Coca-Cola is sold all over the world. - It was invented in 1886.
Vocabulary: Verbs and nouns that go together: - win a match. Words and prepositions that go together: - laugh at a joke
Everyday English: Notices: - Out of order
Reading: Topic. Four newspaper articles (jigsaw)
Speaking: Talking about a newspaper article you have read.
Listening: Topic. A radio programme about the world's most loved car, the Volkswagen Beetle.
Writing: Writing a review of a book or film WB.
Unit 12 
Grammar: Verb patterns (2): - ask/tell somebody to do; - make/let somebody do; - decide/sturt/try/manage to do. Infinitives after adjectives: - It's easy to learn a language. Infinitive of purpose: - 1 came to Oxford to learn English.
Vocabulary: Adverbs. - clearly, carefully. -ed and -ing adjectives: - interested, interesting
Everyday English: Time: - It's twenty past six. - It's 6.20.
Reading: Topic. Two English heroes. King Arthur and Robin Hood (jigsaw)
Speaking: Heroes from your country. Discussion - UFOs. Retelling a story from pictures. Group work - Devising a story about meeting an alien.
Listening: Topic. An interview with a man who says he has seen a UFO and spoken to the aliens in it.
Writing: Adverbs WB. Writing a story (2)
Test 4 
Unit 13 
Dreams and reality
Grammar: Second Conditional: - If I were the Queen. I'd have servants. Might: - 1 might go to university, hut I'm not sure.
Vocabulary: Multi-word verbs: - lake off, look after
Everyday English: Social expressions: - What a pity! Never mind!
Reading: Topic. 'The Dream Game' - How our dreams can help us to understand our personality
Speaking: Group work - Analysing our dreams.
Listening: Topic. A radio programme about people of mixed nationality.
Writing: Writing letters (3) WB. Formal and informal letters.
Unit 14 
Giving news
Grammar: Present Perfect Simple (2): - to express present result /'re lost my wallet. Present Perfect Continuous: - I've been learning English for three years.
Vocabulary: Word families and stress: - 'celebrate, cele'bration; -act, active, acting
Everyday English: Telephoning.
Reading: Topic. An extract from Airport International about the early days of air travel
Speaking: Talking about your experiences of flying. Roleplay - Phoning a friend for a chat.
Listening: Topic. A telephone conversation between Justin and his mother.
Writing: Writing letters (4) WB. Expressions in different kinds of letters
Unit 15 
All you need is love
Grammar: Past Perfect: - They had met only one week earlier. Reported statements: - She said that she was leaving. Reported questions: - She asked me if 1 had seen John.
Vocabulary: Guessing the meaning of unknown words. bring/take; come/go; get. - She's getting better.
Everyday English: Saving goodbye
Reading: Topic. 'The man who could turn back the clock' - A parable with two possible endings
Speaking: Discussion - Parables and fables. A love poem.
Listening: Topic. A love song - Elvis Presley's The girl of My Best Friend.
Writing: Writing a story (3) WB.
Test 5

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(095) 973-93-70, (095) 973-24-07, (095) 116-18-77, (095) 154-12-25, (095) 747-77-12, с 10-00 до 19-00 кроме выходных.

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